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Cellulose Cartridge

The Innovative Product From Kalbag Filters Pvt. Ltd.

     After many years of in depth research, we have developed an excellent white thick wall cartridge.
     The RBCM (resin bonded cellulose melamine).
Cartridge or Cellulose Cartridge is produced from cellulose fibers, which have been intrinsically bonded together by a melamine resin, to create a solid, highly durable, yet porous structure. By treating the fiber in this fashion, we can assure a stronger cartridge that is less subject to collapse than any wound or plated cartridge. Further more, the cartridge materials meets the FDA specifications, making it completely safe for application involving potable drinking water, beverages, cosmetics, syrups, etc. The clean white cellulose fiber construction will not impart taste, odor or colour to the liquid being filtered when used within the recommended temperature limit.

Cellulose Cartridge

*Refer to the chemical
compatibility chart listed on the below

Resin - Bonded Cellulose Melamine Cartridge

     Two styles of this cartridge are available, grooved and ungrooved. The grooved cartridge is designed to provide 68 % more surface area, resulting in a higher dirt holding capacity. The ungrooved cartridge is preferred when strength is a major concern, such as in high differential pressure applications (paint, ink, high viscosity fluids, etc.). It is also superior in it's ability to coalesce water when used in air filtration applications. Both styles are designed to withstand temperatures up to 120oC, in closed circuit water applications where no oxidizing air is present.
     RBCM cartridges are available in nominal porosity of 100 microns to 0.1 micron & sizes very from 150 mm height to 250mm height
Chemical Compatibility

   The cross link of cellulose fibers and melamine resin creates a highly resistant structure which is compatible with most liquids and mild chemicals. (See chart for specific applications). The Cellulose Cartridge is suitable for many commercial and industrial filtration applications such as those dealing with drinking water, edible oils, gasoline, alcohols, photographic solutions, paints and inks.


    Conc., % Max.   Temp., oC
 Acetic Acid  : 5  : 38
 Acetone  : 100  : 21
 Ammonium Carbonate  : any  : 21
 Ammonium Hydroxide  : any  : -
 Beer  : any  : 71
 Benzene  : 100  : 93
 Calcium Carbonate  : any  : 93
 Chloroform  : any  : 82
 Ether  : any  : 65
 Ethyl alcohol  : any  : 65
 Freon & Ethylene Oxide  : 12 - 88  : - 34
 Fructose  : any  : 120
 Glycol  : any  : 120
 Heptane  : any  : 120
 Inks  : any  : Operating
 Isopropyl Alcohol  : any  : 120
 Lacquer Thinner  : any  : 49
 Lanolin  : any  : 49
 Lead Acetate  : 20  : 120
 Methyl Alcohol  : 90  : 120
 Methylene Chloride  : any  : 65
 Nickel Chloride  : 5  : 38
 Nitroenzene  : 70  : -
 Oleic Acid  : any  : 38
 Pickling Brine ( food )  : any  : -
 Propane Gas  : any  : 49
 Sodium Cyanide  : any  : -
 Sodium Sulphide  : 40  : 60
 Tartaric Acid  : any  : 49
 Toluene  : any  : 93
 Vinegar  : any  : 38
 Water  : N/A  : 120
 Whiskey / Wines  : any  : 49
 Xylene Xylol  : any  : 21
 * NOTE : Some chemicals have little or no effect at room temperature but data is
              lacking concerning the effects of those chemicals at elevated temperatures.
              We advise users to conduct  their own tests to determine the safety and
              suitability of our products with any chemical at any  temperature for the
              user's specific applications.

Cellulose Cartridge

Manufacturer Of Cellulose Cartridge


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